Pocket Superyacht Blog

Pay Peanuts get Monkeys.

Posted on 15/10/2018
Atlantic crossing  It’s that time of the year again when most yachts are preparing to cross the Atlantic aiming to be there for Christmas and New Year’s eve. Temporary crew In the Pocket Superyacht niche, which we exclusively work with, we see owners hiring temporary crew to deliver their yachts across. Some of them don’t have permanent crew and for others it is the right time for their crew to take time off between two busy seasons.

Mile Makers

Posted on 10/09/2018
In the October issue of the Islander magazine I wrote about the questionable offers that so called professional delivery companies make to Pocket Superyacht owners. As of mid October you can read that article in our blog section here.   I rant about companies sending inexperienced crew, “mile makers” who don’t expect to be paid. On yachtie forums like Palma Yacht Crew I often see very passionate reactions to people looking for crew who are
POCKET SUPERYACHTS AT THE BOAT SHOWS This month we’ll see 78 (!) 20m to 30m yachts at the Cannes Yachting Festival, a dozen Pocket Superyacht brands at the Southampton Boat Show and even the Monaco Yacht Show, traditionally a super- and mega yacht show, will host a handful of -100ft luxury yacht brands. These yachts offer more than just sailing. So naturally, these owners expect their crews to offer more than just sailing too. But
In our online course “How To Find Work On Pocket Superyachts” we are offering ways for Pocket Superyacht crews to increase their professional approach. This is why we discuss the question: Are the owners employers or clients? In theory, the owners are your employers but: what happens if you look at them as your clients? -And for now, I am not talking about the type of contract you have with them- What is the difference?
pocket superyacht crew day
On Saturday the 28th of April 2018 we organised the first PSCD in Hotel Costa Azul with the aim of providing a valuable, interesting day for those who have an interest in, work on or want to work on luxury yachts between 50ft and 100ft run to superyacht standards.   In the afternoon we gave a presentation on the past, the present and most of all the exciting future of Invisible Crew. In the future