Pocket Superyacht Blog
Why professional yacht crew couples are in demand on Pocket Superyachts.
Posted on 14/12/2016
Throughout the whole yachting industry jobs for professional yacht crew couples are highly coveted. Pocket Superyachts have always been my main interest within the industry. Therefore I found it confusing when other crew were telling me it is so hard to find a couple’s position. Of course the yachting industry has many different layers and faces, as I described in my blog: Pocket Superyachts and the yachting industry. For owners of yachts between 50ft to
What makes a professional yacht delivery “professional”?
Posted on 22/11/2016
It’s a beautiful winter day in Mallorca as I write this article. Exactly a year ago we were contracted for the professional yacht delivery of a brand new Sunseeker 75 from Port Adriano Mallorca to Tribunj in Croatia. The sea was still settling after a Mistral when we left. The air was chilly but the sun was out. The wheel house was comfy and there was coffee. Our professional yacht delivery service starts weeks, sometimes months, before
How we set up the ideal Pocket Superyacht Crew interview.
Posted on 18/11/2016
“The owner-crew relationship is the stuff for sociologists. The time they spend together can be intense (even in the most positive way).” Our experience has taught us how to set up the ideal Pocket Superyacht Crew Interview. We provide our clients with as much info as possible about the candidate. We use our experience, specialised software and have developed our own candidate presentation profile. The USP Profile allows our clients to gain a truthful and
Will Hubo’s steal jobs as Future Pocket Superyacht Crew?
Posted on 08/11/2016
Will Humanoid Robots, be the Future Pocket Superyacht Crew? Anyone who hasn’t seen the video of Sophia the Hubo should have a look at it here. Geeky engineers like David Hanson from Hanson robots are becoming increasingly good at creating very human-like robots or Hubo’s. They may well be the future pocket superyacht crew as being human has its upsides as well as its downsides. 5 ways Hubo Crew could possibly steal our jobs: With this evolution pending
8 reasons not to jump ship!
Posted on 22/09/2016
As the 2016 summer season is ending, we give crew 8 reasons NOT to jump ship. The season is now truly coming to an end. While many crew are now ending their seasonal contract, a great number of others, on a permanent contract, are now contemplating their next step. But are the about to step on somebody’s toe or on thin ice for no reason at all? 1. Patience is a virtue. A while ago
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