Rock Star Yacht Crew!

I’ve said it literally to some of the crew I have worked with; “You’re a rock star!” And it’s true. Crew are just like rock stars. They have to make sure everything looks glamorous. They have to perform a great show and make sure the show goes, on at all times. But rockstars need good management. The role of the management is to find them gigs, make sure the venues are up to standard, the promotor / client is a reliable person to work with,… basically making sure that all elements are in place for the Rock Stars to perform at their best. The manager also makes sure that signed contracts are in place and clear to all parties. The (road)manager will make sure that, even in the middle of the show, the Rock Stars are handed the props they need to make the show an unforgettable success. The big applaus comes from the audience, not so much from the manager but the Rock Star knows why the manager is there. Directly and indirectly, the manager makes the Rock Star’s life easier. He also encourages the Stars to do better, to work on certain points and helps them to remain inspired. In the lime light (translate […]

What is Invisible Crew up to this summer?

Writing for The Islander Magazine is not only great exposure, the actual writing is a good moment to reflect on how things are going with Invisible Crew. My lean little company is gaining momentum largely thanks to the great crew that I work with, the partnering companies with which we are creating ever closer bonds and a few individuals in my close circle. However, at this time of the year I probably wouldn’t take an hour to have get an overview of all the things that are going on. They tend to just flash through my mind like a train passing by at full speed. The 85ft Royal Huisman Ebb Tide is nearly ready for the season while going through its first crew change in four years, the time that it has been under Invisible Crew’s management. Fons is handing over the helm, or better, the control over the engine room, to his fellow countryman Hans who will keep the yacht running smoothly with his Dutch craftsmanship. We hope to do more work with Fons in the future and we welcome Hans! The CNB76 Aenea is keeping us busy booking berths in highly coveted marinas at busy times of the […]

Sailing in a nation of sailors.

I have just spent two weeks sailing through Holland on a 100 year old classic yacht. Iduna is an 8 meter class designed by Johan Anker (famous for the Dragon class) ​and built at Anker & Jensen in Norway some time between 1912 and 1916. ​She is a Pocket Superyacht in her own right​. Her interior is not much bigger than my pocket and she is super beautiful. Her restoration was completed in 2011 and executed with great attention to detail, bringing her back to her original glory. No expense was saved and no shortcuts were taken. Life on board ​S/Y Iduna is simple and dry when it doesn’t rain. Otherwise, the old lady always knows exactly where her owner sleeps. Water that leaks somewhere through the foredeck creeps its way underneath the Iroko deck planks to drip on Edward Balke’s pillow, midships.​ ​ Edward has contacted Invisible Crew for the 4th consecutive year to provide him with a skilled sailor to assist him during his yearly holiday. This year I finally had the chance to go myself. (que: joke about skilled sailor.) Although I’m Belgian, the waters of Holland bring back memories from my early days of sailing and I appreciate their beauty now more […]

Refit of Imagine Heaven completed.

A Pocket Superyacht refit requires a detailed approach.        In the past we have brought new life to older Pocket Superyachts with a very hands-on approach. Due its scale, our role in the refit of “Imagine Heaven” shifted more towards project management without forgetting what made us successful in previous projects. The owner of the 65ft Yapluka Catamaran had initially contacted us with a request for crew. In our first meeting he mentioned that he was about to embark on a refit project of his 7 year old yacht. We explained him how we could assist. We understand that between the job description of the project manager and the planned work list of the yard, there are a few small but nonetheless important jobs that need doing. This requires a flexible and at times hands-on approach if you truly want to be the clients eyes and ears on site. This caught his attention as a Dutch company had refused the work just days before, stating that they don’t deal with yachts below 44 meters. They turned away a client who wanted to apply superyacht standards to his Pocket superyacht. The very busy but very enthusiastic client was clear in […]

training crew yachts article islander magazine

The rules are very black and white and grey on Pocket Superyachts

One of the reasons why Invisible Crew is specialised and passionate about the Pocket Superyacht niche is its personal nature. The confined space of a yacht smaller than 100ft dictates that the contact between crew and owner is more amicable and less formal than on larger yachts. One would think that such interpersonal dynamics make the job easier but it’s quite the opposite. Over the years I have witnessed how these dynamics result in blurred lines. The lines can’t be any more blurred than when alcohol comes into play. Sometimes playing hard is actually working hard. Without a fault, any owner I have worked for has invited me to join his family or guests when they went out for dinner and the occasional party that follows. I’m not complaining when I say that I have been forced to join in with the excesses numerous times. I would almost say it is part of the job. However, what’s also part of the job, is getting up in the morning before everyone else. One owner I worked for took us (a crew of 4) on a bender one evening. The next morning, as a logical result, we weren’t as fresh as usual. […]