Value for money on board a Pocket Superyacht.
The reasoning behind value for money. How confusing it can be for crew to understand the spending behaviour of the Pocket Superyacht owner. The owner is obviously financially well off and spends money in a truly irrational way. On a yacht! To name but one example. But there is a difference between rational and emotional value for money. One day the captain finds himself in a huge yacht chandlery, a bit like a Toy’s Are Us for sea-going adults. He’s got the yacht’s credit card in his hand. He feels like he is holding a loaded gun and he is surrounded by targets. He has the opportunity to live his fantasy and buy everything he ever wanted. In his head he tries to justify what he wants to spend. Surely life is easier and the boat is safer if you have spare parts for… everything and the galley sink. The guests will surely love to use every toy that Budget Marine sells. Fishing will turn into catching if we have more than one carbon fibre rod and specific lures for every contour line on the chart. A week earlier, the owner was presented with three price quotations for a new mainsail. […]